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Seminar & Conference
Ph.D Candidate from the Cornell University visits SIIS
June 20, Ms Wendy Leutert, Ph.D Candidate from the Cornell University visits SIIS and discusses with Dr. Zhang Zhexin, A
The ISLP Delegation (Team 2) visits SIIS
June 20, the Delegation of the International Scholar Laureate Program (ISLP)(Team 2) visits SIIS. Prof. Ye Jiang, Exec
Research Associate from the BTS at the Freie Universit?t Berlin Visits SIIS
June 20, Ms. Olivia Gippner, Research Associate from the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS) at the F
Research Fellow from the International Crisis Group Visits SIIS
June 18, Mr. Paul Quinn-Judge,Project Director of the Central Asia at the International Crisis Group, visits SIIS and d
Hungarian consul consults SIIS fellows
May 31, Mr.ValentinNagy-Simek, Consul of Consulate General of the Republic of Hungary visits SIIS, and consults with Pro
Australian economy experts discuss with SIIS fellows
May 23, Mr. Paul Hubbard, Chinese Economy Expert at Office of National Assessments of Australia and Ms. Veansa Kong, Eco
Former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Interviewed by SIIS and CUSEF
May 17, Madam Constance Newman, former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs is interviewed by SIIS and Ch
The Delegation of Moroccan Scholars Visit SIIS
May 17, The delegation led by Prof. Fatima Harrak, Director of the Institute for African Studies under the University Mo
US-based VMI Adjunct Professor visits SIIS
May 8, Dr. Clifford A. Kiracofe, Jr., Adjunct Professor of Virginia Military Institute (VMI) visits SIIS, and has disc
University of Cagliari Ph.D. Candidate discusses with SIIS fellows
March 5, Ms. Maria Serrenti, Ph.D. Candidate of the Italy-based University of Cagliari visits SIIS, and has discussion
Korean Consul consults SIIS fellows
December 29, Mr. Kwon Dae Young, Consul of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea visits SIIS. Dr. Gong Keyu, De
Director of Institute for Foreign Policy Studies and Director of Center for West Asia and Africa Studies get the interview by “T
October 26, Prof. Li Weijian, Director of Institute for Foreign Policy Studies and Dr. Ye Qing, Director of Center for W
Mr. Swapan Chattopadhyay Pays a Farewell Visit to SIIS
September 27th, Mr. Swapan Chattopadhyay, Consul of the Consulate General of India pays a farewell visit to SIIS. Prof.
Defense Attaché of the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing visits SIIS
June 13, Colonel Martin Bodin, Defense Attaché of the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing visits SIIS and discusses with D
SASS Visiting Scholar, PhD Candidate from the Jawaharlal Nehru University Visits SIIS
June 11, Ms Rityusha Mani Tiwary, SASS Visiting Scholar, PhD Candidate from the Jawaharlal Nehru University visits SIIS,