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Seminar & Conference
Director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the Univeristy of Pennsylvania visits SIIS
June 28, Prof. Jacques deLisle, Director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the Univeristy of Pennsylvania visits S
SWP Research Division Asia Head delivers lecture in SIIS
June 4, Dr. habil. Christian Wagner, Head of Research Division Asia of German Institute for International and Security A
The Delegation of the Bangladesh Enterprise Institute Visit SIIS
April 26, the Delegation of the Bangladesh Enterprise Institute visit SIIS and meet with Prof. Wu Chunsi, Executive Di
UK Embassy Second Secretary consults SIIS fellows
Feb. 17, Mr. Matthew Houlsby, Second Secretary of Embassy of the United Kingdom together with Mr. AlastairArnold, Cons
Greenpeace Organization Visits SIIS
August 28, Zhou Rong,Director of the Climate and Energy Program of Greenpeace Organization East Asia,Huang Wei, Directo
The Deputy CG of Singapore visits SIIS
July 19, Mr. Chi Chiew Sum, Singapore Deputy Consul-General in Shanghai visits SIIS and discusses with Prof. Ma Ying, se
Research Fellow from the University of Stellenbosch Visits SIIS
June 8, Dr. Daouda Cisse, research fellow of the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Stellenbosch visits SII
Research Fellow at IFS Visits SIIS
May 3, Mr. Henrik Hiim, research fellow at the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies (IFS) visits SIIS and discusses
The Research Fellow from KIDA visits SIIS
April 26, Dr. Lee Meongchul, research fellow of the Center for Security and Strategy at the Korea Institute for Defens
Atlantic Council Asia Program Director interviewed by CUSEF & SIIS
December 15, Dr. Banning Garrett, Director of the Asia Program at US-based Atlantic Council accepts the interview by Chi
Associate Professor of the University of Delhi Visits SIIS
October 26, Ms. Sonu Trivedi, Associate Professor of the University of Delhi visits SIIS and discusses with Prof. Zhao G
World Bank Vice President Lectures at SIIS
July 9, Axel van Trotsenburg, Vice President of World Bank visits SIIS and exchanges views with SIIS young research fell
The Senior Adviser to the US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Visits SIIS
July 9, Dr. Barnett R. Rubin, Senior Adviser to the Special Representative of the President for Afghanistan and Pakistan
Associate Research Fellow from IFRI visits SIIS
July 2, Ms Alice Ekman, Associate Research Fellow at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) visits SIIS
The Head of Econet China in Shanghai visits SIIS
June 30, Miss Magali Menant, Head of econet china in Shanghai and the Head of Department Building, Energy, and Environm