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Seminar & Conference
SIIS Holds the Workshop on “2013 China Polar Strategy and Rights”
November 26, SIIS & Polar Research Institute of State Oceanic Administration PRC co-hold the workshop on “2013
SIIS & Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Co-hold International Conference “The Role of BRICS in the Post-2015 Development Agenda”
November 28-29, SIIS & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Co-hold International Conference “Drivers for a New Global Par
Prof. Yang Jiemian Attends the Carnegie-Tsinghua Global Dialogue
December 4, Prof. Yang Jiemian, Chairman of the Council of SIIS Academic Affairs attends the Carnegie-Tsinghua Global Di
SIIS Holds the International Conference on “China-Southeast Asia Relations and the Taiwan Question”
December 5-6, SIIS holds international conference on “China-Southeast Asia Relations and the Taiwan Question&rdquo
The 13th Stockholm China Forum Held in Shanghai
On February 24, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and Swedi
SIIS holds “Shanghai and CICA” Seminar
On December 28, SIIS holds “Shanghai and CICA (Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia)
SIIS President Chen Dongxiao Attends the Annual Conference of CSCAP China
On December 31, SIIS President Chen Dongxiao attends the Annual Conference of CSCAP China in Beijing. Mr. Liu Zhenmin, V
SIIS Holds the 18th “Global New Pattern and Cross-Straits Relations—New Situation of Prosperity and Peace” Symposium
On January 11-12, SIIS and International Studies College of Tamkang University co-chair the 18th “Global New Patte
President Chen Dongxiao Invited to Attend “Transformative Global Governance: China and the United Nations” International Con
On January 13, President Chen Dongxiao is invited to attend “Transformative Global Governance: China and the Unite
SIIS Holds Academic Symposium on the “Summit of CICA—Opportunities and Challenges of Cooperation”
On January 15-16, SIIS holds Academic Symposium on “the Summit of CICA (Interaction and Confidence-Building Measur
International Conference on “The 6th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC and Post-2015 Development Agenda” Held in SIIS
On March 17-18, International Conference on “The 6th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC and Post-2015 Development A
“U.S.-China Relations: Toward a New Model of Major Power Relationship” Released in Washington, DC
The research report “U.S.-China Relations: Toward a New Model of Major Power Relationship” jointly produced
SIIS and FES co-hold “Restructuring of International Trade and Investment System: What Role for China” International Worksho
On May 8-9, SIIS and FES co-hold “Restructuring of International Trade and Investment System: What Role for China&
Prof. Yang Jiemian Participates in CICA Conference
On February 25, Prof. Yang Jiemian, Chairman of SIIS Academic Council participates in the CICA Conference organized by C
SIIS holds International Conference on “Asian Countries and the Arctic Future”
On April 23-26, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and Fridtjof Nansen Institute co-host the international co