邮箱登录 English

Summer 2023

China’s Geopolitical Strategy: Crafting a New World Order


Abstract: In the intricate tapestry of global geopolitics, China's ascent as a potential preeminent power in a new world order has become a compelling narrative. This paper explores Beijing's multifaceted rise by delving into the diplomatic, economic, technological, cultural, and environmental dimensions of the nation's ascent. China's adept diplomacy, exemplified by its active participation in international organizations, introduces profound implications for global governance and cooperation. Economically, its transformation from an agrarian society to the world's second-largest economy redefines the dynamics of international trade and development, epitomized by the far-reaching Belt and Road Initiative. China's technological prowess, particularly in fields like artificial intelligence and 5G technology, reshapes the landscape of innovation, while the influence of its soft power through cultural exports and educational outreach resonates across borders. The ethical and moral dimensions of global governance are at the forefront of this narrative, with questions of universal values and human rights taking center stage. China's commitment to environmental sustainability and its role in addressing climate change also have profound implications for global environmental protection. Looking ahead, two potential scenarios, a bipolar world order and a multipolar world order, come into focus, each with its own implications for international relations, trade, technology, and environmental cooperation. In this evolving global narrative, international organizations adapt to accommodate shifting power dynamics, emphasizing the need for equitable representation and multilateral collaboration. Ultimately, the paper underscores the interplay of nations in the recalibration of the global order, urging proactive engagement and foresight in navigating the complex terrain of China's rise and its impact on the future of international relations.

Keywords: geopolitics; China's rise; global governance; international organizations; world order.