邮箱登录 English

Summer 2023

The Evolving Regional Strategic Environment and Pakistan’s Quest for Strategic Equilibrium


Abstract: China's emergence as a key player in global politics and the declining role of the United States as a superpower are two greatest developments of the 21st century. This geopolitical transformation has compelled Washington to reconsider its traditional Eurocentric and Middle East-focused approach and shift strategic attention and resources to the Asia-Pacific region. In a bid to keep its superpower status, the United States is bolstering India as a bulwark against China. To balance China's growing inAuence, the United States has upgraded ties with India and other major players on China's periphery. The U.S-India strategic partnership is among the most visible result of these efforts. At the same time, this strategic realignment has serious consequences for regional stability in South Asia. India's military buildup rattles neighbors, particularly Pakistan, as it increases the risk of confrontation between the two nucleararmed states. This changing strategic environment leaves Pakistan with no option but to look for new ways to maintain strategic equilibrium. This study provides an overview of the India-U.S. partnership and its impact on South Asian strategic stability. It also highlights various challenges Pakistan will likely face due to regional realignment and discusses possible options for Pakistan to maintain a favorable strategic equilibrium.

Keywords: Great power politics; containment; strategic stability; South Asia; nuclear cooperation.