China’s Role in International System
April 2008 source:Encyclopedia of China Publishing HouseThis book is ascribed to Series in Commemorating 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up (the Vol. of International Affairs), which is designed and finalized by comrade Yu Xintian. It incarnates the thinking and findings of the SIIS scholars. The authors are Yu Xintian, Yang Jiemian, Zhang Youwen, Ye Jiang, Ma Ying, Zhao Gancheng, Chen Dongxiao and Chen Yugang who are the witnesses of the sea change of the 30 years’ reform and opening up.This book is ascribed to Series in Commemorating 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up (the Vol. of International Affairs), which is designed and finalized by comrade Yu Xintian. It incarnates the thinking and findings of the SIIS scholars. The authors are Yu Xintian, Yang Jiemian, Zhang Youwen, Ye Jiang, Ma Ying, Zhao Gancheng, Chen Dongxiao and Chen Yugang who are the witnesses of the sea change of the 30 years’ reform and opening up.